3 Simple Ways to Overcome the Not-So-Great Days

It is no secret that some days are better than others. It can seem as though some days, or even weeks, are just not on our side. Feeling alone and down about the situation can cause us to stay in a rut where it seems like we cannot get out. I can attest to this due to personal experience, and I know how it can take over how we function. However, there are a few steps that you can take that will help you conquer anything that is trying to bring you down.

1. Choose to see the good in every situation.

Recently, I was in a hit and run accident, where my bumper was completely ripped off. Instead of focusing on the bad in the situation, I chose to focus on that fact that I was safe, no one was injured, and that I was in a location where I had friends and family close by to help me.

If you can transform the way that you think about the low points you can begin to control how you feel towards whatever the situation is. Life is all about growing and becoming who you are. Understanding that some things are simply out of your control can help you calm any anxieties or frustrations.

2. Talk to people who care about you.

Whether it is your mom or best friend, find someone you can trust with whatever is on your mind. Feeling understood and heard can help you begin to overcome anything that is bothering you.

Someone who knows who you are and what you need can give you advice about how to move forward. They can also help you get out of your head, and to see the situation more clearly. It may even be possible that they can give you a direct solution to whatever the problem may be.

3. Do something you really enjoy or care about.

Some days simply taking a walk out in natural can help clear the mind. Figuring out what makes you happy and relaxing will cause whatever is troubling you to be pushed out of your mind for a time, so that you can come back to the issue and deal with it in a calmer way.

Another great option is to volunteer somewhere or to do something nice for someone randomly. I have never regretted being kind to someone, even a small amount of kindness can change someone's day. I know many times someone else's kindness has had an impact on my day, and changed my perspective. I have included a link here for a site that can connect you with a campaign that focuses on kindness and making it an everyday reality.

Bad days will always come to an end, and tomorrow is always a fresh start. One of the most important things to realize is the journey that you are on is not always going to be easy. Not every day is going to be perfect, and taking the good with the bad is part of becoming more mature and  This is simply part of the learning process, and if you can keep your thoughts focused on the future you can push through any rough spot.

What are some other methods you use to get through a tough day? Please let me know in the comments anything you have tried that has helped you!

Until next time,


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