Choosing Light Over Darkness

In my own life I have recently experienced a lot of difficult situations. There were countless times where I wanted to give up and let my anxiety, worries and frustrations take control of who I was.

In my opinion, this is not an uncommon scenario. I think that these are feelings that many of us have; we want to give up at the first sign of a daunting task or beginning of a conflict.

As hard as they may seem, the worst days do not have to be impossible to get through. After all, we have survived 100% of the bad days that we have experienced before! It is crucial to remind ourselves that the bad we experience is meant to help us grow and learn. If there is one good thing I can say about the bad days, it is that I learned more about myself from them.

Maybe you are at a point in your life where you feel lost, or that you are in the same rut you simply can't seem to get out of.

It is easy to want to give up, but I urge you not to. Not matter what you are going through, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. During the times of trial we can either choose to look at the bad or focus on the good and be at peace knowing that some things simply are not within our control.

More often than not right before a breakthrough we experience the hardest times. Remembering who you are, that people do love you, and that in the end everything will be okay is not only important but also necessary for your mental health.

The great thing about being human is that we have the ability to make our own minds up and control our thoughts. I started choosing to only allow positive and happy thoughts to enter my brain. As a result, I have found much internal peace.

Whatever is troubling you, or keeping you from living peacefully, does not have power over you if you choose not to let it.

Some easy ways that I use to deal with things in a positive manner including taking a long walk, reading a book, or being with people that I trust and love. Everyone is different in their own special way, so your coping methods may be different.

If you are unsure of how to begin looking for the light in the middle of the darkness, I would recommend that you take some quiet time to think about what peace means to you. Start there, and don't give up the fight.

Until next time,


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