Iskra Lawrence: Giving Up the Pursuit of "Perfection"

Imagine that you have bought tickets to your favorite band's concert. You are beyond excited about seeing them perform, and you know all the words to every song by heart . As you are walking into the concert arena, you see the lead singer walking past signing autographs. Your heart skips and beat, and you think: "This is my chance!" The singer comes closer and you move to where you can see them better. They make eye contact with you, walk over, and sign your notepad: "You are incredible, keep on rocking!" I am lucky enough to have had the chance to meet my idol, Iskra Lawrence. For those of you who do not know, she is a British model who is known for her work with American Eagle Outfitter's Aerie lingerie line. Iskra refuses to have her photos retouched, and is an ambassador for the National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA). You can learn more about her background here . When I met her a year and a half ago, I realized what my ultimate goals ...